How to change your
math scores... For the BETTER!!!
A few years ago,
if someone would have told me about Number of the Day, I would have thought–
Oh, another cute worksheet… I was wrong!!! When a neighbor teacher of mine kept
getting better math scores than me, I finally asked her what her secret is. She
didn’t hesitate– using a Number of the Day, every day! Long story short… I tried
it… I loved it! My students loved it! We kept doing it and guess what happened…
That’s right, my math scores improved!!! And they have every year since then!!!
NOTD is so great for fluency and practice, and for introducing and using new
math vocabulary. Students have to explain their thinking when it’s their turn
to share an equation solution/strategy, so place value and higher order thinking skills are used
I liked the NOTD my neighbor gave to me, but I wanted something a little
more inline with our grade level standards, so I developed some (she uses mine
now, by the way) that we use for each quarter/semester. The different versions are similar, but having alignment boxes and signs/symbols, is easier than having the students set up their own problems without. Do not assume your students can set a problem up on their own because they are able to solve an equation! My suggestion would be to start with the NOTD with Tally Marks then move to the one with the symbols/signs, then to the one without symbols/signs (students are forced to line up the numbers). Check them out below! Great for math interactive notebooks!
These numbers of the day (6 versions available)
cover many state standards in math (a mini sample is shown)! File contains:
Word Form, Place Value, Number Sense, More & Less, Even or Odd, Ordinal
Numbers, Greater Than/Less Than, Vertical & Horizontal Addition & Subtraction Practice, Hundreds Chart Puzzles, and
more! Students can take ownership and create their own problems! All on one ½
sheet! Use these number of the day files for fluency and practice. Use it as
bell/seat work or as a warm up to your math block. Have the students solve a
word problem on the back or copy it on both sides. Edit to fit your class skill
level. I use one with my class everyday! They work great in your math interactive notebooks!!!
-I have a Whole YEAR of Word Problems that are perfect to use with these (especially in the math interactive notebooks) available here:
I hope you found
this useful!