Thursday, April 7, 2016

Teacher Evaluation Answers & Observation Help!

Remember when getting observed was enough??? We have so much to do already! And it's going to happen! You are going to get a district/school form/s with a bunch of questions for your pre/post observation. You sit in front of your computer and wonder why you have to explain your school existence, again! You were observed, and it went well, of course! You are a professional. You were hired for your expertise and experience! You wonder what the other people you work with are putting on their forms or how they are answering all of those questions... We all go through this! We've all felt like we would pay for someone just to do it for us. Or we do it ourselves and want to know how we compare... I'm afraid I can't answer why we have to do it, but I can help with what people are saying! See Below for some examples...

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