Thursday, April 8, 2021

Teacher Weight Loss Blog - Month 1

UPDATES:  Well, I'm sad to say that I took this post down becasue I just wasn't doing it, so I'm trying again. If I had started in April, like I planned when I published this post, I would be 4 months into my journey. Why do I do that? I had all summer! I blew it - again! Back to School is on Monday! If you're a teacher- hope this is the best year ever for you!!! With BTS comes fresh starts, so here is my fresh start. I am trying Nutrisysterm. Bought it in hopes to motivate myself more. I have a wedding and a big trip planned for next summer. Won't be at my goal weight by then, but should be looking and feeling a lot better by then. Wish me luck!!! Look for a new post the 1st week in September with new pics and new updates!!! Thanks for the support, friends!!!

(Original Post) Hello Friends!

My name is Heather and I am the person behind Mrs Wenning's Classroom on Teacher Pay Teachers. I usually post about classroom resources, but this blog series will not be about my TpT store. It's about something very personal that I am going to put out there to keep myself encouraged and maybe encourage someone else.

I am married with 2 youngish (is that word?) sons and a few 4-legged friends. I teach (for 23 years now). I take care of my family and my home. And I work tirelessly on my TpT store! Sometimes I don't know where I find the time and I'm sure you can all relate.

I have a Masters Degree in Elem Ed and I am a certified reading specialist! BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I take care of everyone and everything in my tiny corner of the world, except myself! I am so unhappy with my health. And I'm going to say it... I am OBESE! How and when did this happen??? When I was 20 pounds overweight and not fitting into my clothes, why didn't I do something then? Oh, how I wish I would have because now I have a mountain to climb. 

*The pictures below are me today- with helmet hair from the cap I had on at my son's BB game this afternoon. I will wear the same clothes for pictures next month, so stay tuned...

I need to lose 135 pounds to be at the weight I was at when I got married 15 years ago. You read that right! 135 POUNDS- a whole person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Props to my awesome hubby who is not overweight and who has never said one word to me about my weight- he only tells me I still look good to him. Love this guy, but who are we kidding? I'm sure it bothers him! But this isn't about him. It's about me not being happy with me. It stops today. We make better teachers, spouses, parents, and friends when we are healthier, for many reasons. If I had started all of the times I thought about it, I would be done by now- that hurts!

Come with me on my weight loss journey. Look for a new post each month about my progress. If you're a big meanie head, please don't leave a comment. Everyone else, please feel free to stop by with an encouraging comment. Thank you, supporters!

Food:  What I eat now is all over the place. I love my fruits and veggies, but I also love the best things on the planet... Bread and Sweets. I'm still going to love bread and sweets, but a just a lot less. 

Exercise:  None at the moment. And I spend a whole lot of time on my laptop for my TpT store, and now with teaching remotely, it's even more. I bought a Total Gym this week and I can do 6 pullups on it. Yup! 6! 

Changes:  I am going to commit to drinking more water this month and to eating less (stopping when I’m full) and to doing 10 minutes of exercise per day, 4 days per week. I know that seems like a joke to some of you, but I am as about out of shape as a person can get, so I am taking some baby steps. 

Goals:  I want to be healthier. I want to look better. I was never a Barbie doll, but I could rock a pair of jeans. I want to feel better. My weight right now stops me from doing things like swimming with my kids or going to certain places for activities I'm not sure I can do and don't want to get there and be embarrassed when I find out I can't. I love Disneyland! I am planning a big trip for my 50th birthday which is coming up in about a year and half. For once, I won't be the biggest mom there. 

If you're in the same boat as me, start with me. We can do this. I'm just saying that, but not really sure if I'm believing it. I think that's why I want to do this in front of you. If you've already been on  a similar journey, feel free to leave your best tips in the comments section- I promise I will read them all!

Well, that's it for now. Look for a new post the first week of May. Can't go on this journey without my Jesus! I am counting on 1 Corinthians 10:13!

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

See you soon, friends!


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